If you ended up on a desert island, what 5 beauty products would you want with you and why? (We can assume that sun cream will be provided)
For me, being a vegetarian is a way of life not a diet, so all my choices are suitable for vegetarians and are not tested on animals (as stated on the companies websites and/ or the products packaging). This can restrict the cosmetics available, but these days - in England any way - it is a lot easier to find animal friendly products. At some point in the future I will do a post all about it :) Until then, here are my answers:
1. The Body Shop super volume mascara 01 - this was an easy choice, I never leave the house without it on.
2. Superdrug dry skin relief lotion - because I get really dry skin and Eczema so moisturiser is a must.
3. The Body Shop camomile eye make-up remover - if I'm going to be wearing mascara then i'll need an eye make-up remover!! And this is the best one I've tried by far.
4. The Body Shop tea tree skin clearing lotion - Its always good to use a facial moisturiser. I usually vary what I use depending on how my skin is and whether it's day or night. I usually use one with an SPF in the day, but as sun cream is already provided and I'm limited to five choices I'll go with this - even though I'm not a teenager anymore I still get loads of spots :s and this moisturiser helps with that a bit, it is also really good for sunburn!!
5. Barry M yellow nail paint 134 - the first four choices were fairly easy as I'm not the kind of girl who has loads of different cosmetics and make-up, however for this choice I was torn between nail varnish and eyeliner. In the end I went for this as I love wearing brightly coloured nail varnishes. I chose this shade because it looks great with a tan and feels very summery.
So there's my five choices!! What would be your choices? Does anyone else stick to vegetarian cosmetics? Feel free to comment your answers or the link to your blog if you do a post about it - I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
The people I'd like to tag are Being Erica - a lifestyle blog with lots of cute outfits, Meg from Bow ties are cool - you know a blog is great when it gets its name from Doctor Who!! and Harry - a fellow English girl in Malta at Malta: Moving On, Up + Away.
J :)
I love that nail varnish colour :)