A week today I'll be setting off on an adventure around Europe for about six and a half weeks!
Me and my sister Amy have had this trip in mind for the last year, however we've only started making plans recently, we don't even know the exact date we're coming home yet. We plan to fly out to Amsterdam and fly home from Italy, possibly Sicily. Whist we're there, we'll get around by train using our Interrail passes and other public transport. There's still a lot we've got to figure out over the next week, but here's what we've got planned so far.
Initial Itinerary
Saturday 25th April - Arrive in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (this also happens to be our parents anniversary)
Sunday 26th April - Visit Anne Frank's house
Monday 27th April - Celebrate Kings day - this is a national holiday in the Netherlands that celebrates the Kings birthday and everyone dresses in orange.
Tuesday 28th April - Visit Utrecht for the day